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Hardware Spec Terms Defined

We know that having the correct spec information is crucial when designing a space, so we want to make it easy for customers to identify what they are and where to find them. You can find spec information for all Berenson hardware on our website under their product listing. Once you're on our website, we also offer downloadable spec sheets so you can share product details with clients, coworkers, your contractor, or keep them for yourself! Spec information is also available in our catalogs.

Read on to find out more about what each spec means and what it measures.

Length- The measurement of the hardware from one end to the other at the longest point.

Width- The measurement of the hardware from one side to the other at the widest point.

Height/Projection- The measurement of the hardware from the bottom, where it attaches to the cabinet, to the highest point.

Base- The width measurement of the post or area that rests against the cabinet when attached.

Hand Clearance- The measurement of the space between the surface of the cabinet when the hardware is attached and the underside of the hardware where it is grabbed.

Center to Center- The distance between the screw hole centers.

Tap- The type of threading a screw hole has.

Diameter- The width of a round knob, measured from one side to the other.

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