Transitional Advantage One

Interested in more information about displaying Berenson products?

Part numbers for all parts in the Transitional Advantage One Collection can be found below.

For detailed information on an individual part click on the part number listed.

Bow 128mm CC Brushed Nickel Pull

Bow Pull 128mm CC Length
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel9176-1BPN-P
Matte Black9178-1055-P
Polished Chrome9177-1026-P
Verona Bronze9180-10VB-P

Bow Pull 96mm CC Verona Bronze Length

Bow Pull 96mm CC Length
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel9171-1BPN-P
Matte Black9173-1055-P
Polished Chrome9172-1026-P
Verona Bronze9175-10VB-P

Rounded Rectangle Polished Chrome Knob

Round Rectangle Knob
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel9181-1BPN-P
Matte Black9183-1055-P
Polished Chrome9182-1026-P
Verona Bronze9185-10VB-P


This Advantage Plus display board features all hardware in the Transitional Advantage One Collection. The price code, center to center measurement and part number can be found listed below each part on the display board.


Contact us today for more information about purchasing this display board.
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