Traditional Advantage Four Display Board

Interested in more information about displaying Berenson products?

Part numbers for all parts in the Traditional Advantage Four Collection be found below.

For detailed information on an individual part click on the part number listed.

Rounded End 3in. CC Champagne Pull

Rounded End Pull 3in. CC Length
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel0924-1BPN-P
Matte Black9134-1055-P
Verona Bronze9353-10VB-P

Ringed Arch 3in. CC Matte Black Pull

Ringed Arch Pull 3in. CC Length
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel9368-1BPN-P
Matte Black9370-1055-P
Verona Bronze9367-10VB-P

Mushroom Brushed Nickel Knob

Mushroom Knob
Featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel0925-1BPN-P
Matte Black9132-1055-P
Verona Bronze9351-10VB-P

Ringed Weathered Nickel Knob

Ringed Knob
Featured in all available finishes on display board.

Brushed Nickel0931-1BPN-P
Matte Black0935-155-P
Verona Bronze9365-10VB-P

This Advantage Plus display board features all hardware in the Traditional Advantage Four Collection. The price code, center to center measurement and part number can be found listed below each part on the display board.


Contact us today for more information about purchasing this display board.
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