Art Nouveau and Rhapsody Display Board

Interested in more information about displaying Berenson products?

Part numbers for all parts in the Art Nouveau Collection and Rhapsody Collection can be found below.

For detailed information on an individual part click on the part number listed.
Art Nouveau 128mm CC Pull

Art Nouveau 128mm CC Length
Length featured in Vintage Nickel on display board.

Verona Bronze4014-10VB-P
Vintage Nickel4015-1VTN-P

Art Nouveau Vintage Nickel 96mm CC Pull

Art Nouveau 96mm CC Length
Length featured in Vintage Nickel on display board.

Verona Bronze4011-10VB-P
Vintage Nickel4012-1VTN-P

Art Nouveau 3 inch and 3 1/2 inch CC Vintage Nickel Pull

Art Nouveau 3 inch and 3 1/2 inch CC Length
Length featured in Verona Bronze on display board.

Verona Bronze4134-10VB-P
Vintage Nickel4135-1VTN-P

Art Nouveau Verona Bronze Knob

Art Nouveau Knob
Featured in all available finishes on display board.

Verona Bronze4017-10VB-P
Vintage Nickel4018-1VTN-P

Rhapsody 128mm CC Black Pull

Rhapsody 128mm CC Length
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Weathered Iron3041-1LWI-P

Rhapsody 96mm CC Weathered Iron Pull

Rhapsody 96mm CC Length
Length featured in all available finishes on display board.

Weathered Iron3044-1LWI-P

Rhapsody Matte Black Twisted Knob

Rhapsody Twisted Knob
Featured in every available finish on display board.

Weathered Iron3047-1LWI-P

Rhapsody Weathered Iron Pyramid Knob

Rhapsody Pyramid Knob
Featured in Weathered Iron on display board.

Weathered Iron3050-1LWI-P

Rhapsody Black Spiral Knob

Rhapsody Spiral Knob
Featured in Black on display board.

Weathered Iron3053-1LWI-P

Rhapsody Black Center Detail Knob

Rhapsody Center Detail Knob
Featured in Black on display board.

Weathered IronNot Available

This Berenson display board features a selection of decorative hardware in all finishes from the Art Nouveau Collection and the Rhapsody Collection. The price code, center to center measurement and part number can be found listed below each part on the display board. Information on additional parts in the collection can be found on a planogram sticker on the back of the board.


Contact us today for more information about purchasing this display board.
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